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Pre-Approved Visitor SOC List

Your Pre-Approved Visitors SOC List is reserved for those visitors that have completed the check-in process and were approved during the Sexual Offender Check. You cannot add users to this list manually, or edit them once added.

Once you have some names on your list you have the option to delete all of them at once. This may be helpful if you want to make sure the list is current by having visitors go through the Sexual Offender Check process again. To begin, click the “delete all” button from the list menu. Click “Yes”.

Once finished deleting all the names you will receive the following message. Click “Go Back” to return to the lists menu.

To export your list of pre-approved visitors, select the “export option”.

1. Click “Export File” to begin the process.

2. Once the process is finished, click “Download

Congrats! You’ve now exported your list.